Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pred-ICT-ion: within 2 years a Super Profile will be introduced

Managing all your profiles is a burden. A new job has to be added to several places like Facebook, Twitter etc.

Imagine a super profile, where you can tick which attributes have to sync with your derived profiles. Where you distinguish between business, personal, friends information.
Good idea? If there were such a Super Profile, I would be the first to use it!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pred-ICT-ion: html5 and server-sent events: a way to port real winforms userinterfaces to the browser

Html5's server-sent events http://dev.w3.org/html5/eventsource/ break in my opinion one of the fundamental design requirements of internet technology for browsing documents. Preventing servers from sending events to the browser took care of many security threads. I suppose and expect that html5's implementation by the various organizations like Mozilla will be very secure.
So, from then we can build real interactive userinterfaces as we are used to in client/server applications. I expect the first port of winforms (with server-sent events, no polling of server data!) in 2013 by Microsoft.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Google+ is too comprehensive

Ok, my first predICTion, solely based on my humble opinion: Google+ will grow but not supercede Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Why? FB, T and LI are easy to integrate into aggregators, have 'atomic' features. Google+ is too comprehensive and acts too much as 'the central point' for other social networks. It contradicts with the charming aspects of Web 2.0, where users can combine and aggregate as they like, not as Google likes...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

IDC: PaaS the "next cloud battleground"

A pred-ICT-ion from IDC in Worldwide Public Cloud Platform as a Service 2009Vendor Shares ($). Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) will be the next battleground after Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) becoming mature. I agree with that, although before companies will invest in PaaS, the business models have to be changed to support Software-as-a-Service. Not the technological aspects like multitenancy, but the subscriptionmodels and service levels.

In my humble opinion, the SaaS battle has to be settled before the PaaS battle can begin.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Pred-ICT-ion: The HTML5 boom is coming. Fast

In July 22nd, 2011 Colleen Taylor states at her blog at http://gigaom.com/2011/07/22/the-html5-boom-is-coming-fast/ that Flash will very soon be replaced by html5/css3. Although html5/css3 is key for Apple, it is not as rich as Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight at this moment. But we all know that these developments are not about functionality but about adoption by the public and the availability of killer apps. So, it is hard to predict when html5/css3 will supercede Flash/Silverlight, but that it is growing fast is undeniable.

My prediction is that in 2013 html5/css3 will be rich enough to be a substitue for 80% of the flash applications.